Friday 7 December 2018

UniQube Exhibition Progress

While Katy was finishing up her animation, it was my responsibility to organise the exhibition layout. Initially, I had lots of discussions with Claire about what was and was not possible to include, to ensure our exhibition space was in keeping with everyone else's. For example, as our comic is set in a museum/art gallery, we wanted to use real frames, but Claire advised against this. To combat this, we decided to create frames out of foam board, so it was still technically in-keeping.

Initially, I drew up a plan of the layout I wanted for the work, to send through to Claire to get her approval and ensure it would work in the UniQube...

Once our layout was signed off by Claire, It was down to deciding on the content. For the script + matching page, I chose page 14, as this page wasn't changed too much from my original script, and was short enough that the script all fit on one page. This was also the time when I wrote the blurb, which I actually found really difficult! While writing the comic description was easy, I found the paragraphs about Katy and I really difficult to work with and add the right information into.

Once everything had been decided on, I wanted to retest the layout with the actual images, which you can see below...

After this, it was just a matter of printing and mounting on foam board. As we'd already planned to prop out the bulk of our content with one extra small prop of foam board below it, Katy and I discussed it and decided to use two layers of little prop pieces on the frames, so that they stood out more, like actual frames.

You can see the final, fully mounted display below...

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